User testimonials

This page collects user testimonials about Ibis from the community! They may be been lightly edited for clarity, with the originals linked.

From the community

From Nick Crews on GitHub:

I have been very impressed with the responsiveness of the team. When I report bugs they are usually addressed within the next release in the next 1-2 months, and some feature requests of mine have been implemented with little convincing needed. The detailed CHANGELOG has made version transitions fairly easy, though there has been some bulk refactoring occasionally needed, but through the last 3 major version upgrades I’ve gone through the process has never been that bad. Nothing but good things to say :), I hope you join along!

From Daniel Kim on Zulip:

We have a production DB2 server that is already under a heavy load. So what I’ve done was extract a subset of the data it has locally onto my machine and then use ibis w/duckdb backend to perform ad-hoc analysis on this local data which is a bit too big for pandas, instead of hammering the production server. Often times, I don’t know what queries I’ll be building or what kind of rabbit hole my analysis may take me. So it’s great that I can just query away with my local data. Performance has been great.

And later in the same topic:

…I have a lot of “medium” data that I need to work with locally, and so Ibis has been perfect for my use cases. We have this metric called cumulative defect rate that I need to forecast. It requires making cumulative sums and then having to pivot this data, along with some wonky transformations requiring UDFs. The need to dynamically pivot this data is where I turn to Ibis. Love that with Ibis, I can use SQL for the heavy lifting or aggregations, and then being able to switch to dataframe-like API for the type of dynamic transformations (pivot, forward fill, etc) that would otherwise be tedious to do in pure SQL.

From stereoF on GitHub:

My story around pyspark -> trying a bunch of stuff -> Ibis, which has feature of lazy computation.

Our company has implemented an OLAP platform with its persistence layer on hdfs and the query engine being Presto. Typically, the OLAP platform is geared towards agile analysis, and its table structure is based on an event-driven model. As we delve deeper into machine learning modeling, we often need to transition from this event-based structure to a wide-table feature construction.

Back between 2019 and 2020, I worked on a similar OLAP platform during my tenure at Tencent. I developed some generic analysis model tools, and at that time, the query engine was Impala. My approach was to dynamically concatenate SQL, which unfortunately was not conducive to code encapsulation, modularization, and future maintenance.

In my pursuit of better code encapsulation and to decouple different parts of logic, I was initially inclined to use PySpark. However, when PySpark connects to Presto via JDBC, if we use the dataframe interface, the aggregation operations run on Spark. This doesn’t harness the full power of Presto, leading to slow performances. On the other hand, if we use Spark’s SQL interface, aggregation is processed on Presto. But in doing so, we lose the original intent of using Spark - which is better code encapsulation and the decoupling of different processes.

The dataframe interface of Ibis and its feature of lazy computation perfectly align with my needs. In fact, back in 2019, I was on the hunt for such a tool. Sadly, I didn’t come across Ibis at that time and even contemplated creating a set on my own.

From Mark Druffel on Kedro Slack:

I now have catalog entries that use vanilla pyspark in my databricks environment and polars on my laptop which is pretty slick 🔥 Just thought I’d share since I’ve seen your team has been mentioning ibis a bit.

Have a story to share?

Let us know! We’d love to include it here. Please share your experience with Ibis in our Zulip community chat and make a PR to this page (or ask us to do it for you).

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