Scalar UDFs

Scalar user-defined function APIs



Scalar user-defined functions.

The scalar class itself is not a public API, its methods are.


Name Description
builtin Construct a scalar user-defined function that is built-in to the backend.
pandas Construct a vectorized scalar user-defined function that accepts pandas Series’ as inputs.
pyarrow Construct a vectorized scalar user-defined function that accepts PyArrow Arrays as input.
python Construct a non-vectorized scalar user-defined function that accepts Python scalar values as inputs.


builtin(fn=None, *, name=None, database=None, catalog=None, signature=None, **kwargs)

Construct a scalar user-defined function that is built-in to the backend.


Name Type Description Default
fn The function to wrap. None
name The name of the UDF in the backend if different from the function name. None
database The database in which the builtin function resides. None
catalog The catalog in which the builtin function resides. None
signature If present, a tuple of the form ((arg0type, arg1type, ...), returntype). For example, a function taking an int and a float and returning a string would be ((int, float), str). If not present, the signature will be derived from the type annotations of the wrapped function. For builtin UDFs, only the return type annotation is required. See the user guide for more information. None
kwargs Additional backend-specific configuration arguments for the UDF. {}


>>> import ibis
>>> @ibis.udf.scalar.builtin
... def hamming(a: str, b: str) -> int:
...     '''Compute the Hamming distance between two strings.'''
>>> expr = hamming("duck", "luck")
>>> con = ibis.connect("duckdb://")
>>> con.execute(expr)


pandas(fn=None, *, name=None, database=None, catalog=None, signature=None, **kwargs)

Construct a vectorized scalar user-defined function that accepts pandas Series’ as inputs.


Name Type Description Default
fn The function to wrap. None
name The name of the UDF in the backend if different from the function name. None
database The database in which to create the UDF. None
catalog The catalog in which to create the UDF. None
signature If present, a tuple of the form ((arg0type, arg1type, ...), returntype). For example, a function taking an int and a float and returning a string would be ((int, float), str). If not present, the signature will be derived from the type annotations of the wrapped function. None
kwargs Additional backend-specific configuration arguments for the UDF. {}


>>> import ibis
>>> ibis.options.interactive = True
>>> t = ibis.memtable(dict(int_col=[1, 2, 3], str_col=["a", "b", "c"]))
>>> t
┃ int_col ┃ str_col ┃
│ int64   │ string  │
1 │ a       │
2 │ b       │
3 │ c       │
>>> @ibis.udf.scalar.pandas
... def str_cap(x: str) -> str:
...     # note usage of pandas `str` method
...     return x.str.capitalize()
>>> str_cap(t.str_col)  # doctest: +SKIP
┃ string_cap_0(str_col) ┃
│ string                │
│ A                     │
│ B                     │
│ C                     │

See Also


pyarrow(fn=None, *, name=None, database=None, catalog=None, signature=None, **kwargs)

Construct a vectorized scalar user-defined function that accepts PyArrow Arrays as input.


Name Type Description Default
fn The function to wrap. None
name The name of the UDF in the backend if different from the function name. None
database The database in which to create the UDF. None
catalog The catalog in which to create the UDF. None
signature If present, a tuple of the form ((arg0type, arg1type, ...), returntype). For example, a function taking an int and a float and returning a string would be ((int, float), str). If not present, the signature will be derived from the type annotations of the wrapped function. None
kwargs Additional backend-specific configuration arguments for the UDF. {}


>>> import ibis
>>> import pyarrow.compute as pc
>>> from datetime import date
>>> ibis.options.interactive = True
>>> t = ibis.memtable(
...     dict(start_col=[date(2024, 4, 29)], end_col=[date(2025, 4, 29)]),
... )
>>> @ibis.udf.scalar.pyarrow
... def weeks_between(start: date, end: date) -> int:
...     return pc.weeks_between(start, end)
>>> weeks_between(t.start_col, t.end_col)
┃ weeks_between_0(start_col, end_col) ┃
│ int64                               │
│                                  52 │

See Also


python(fn=None, *, name=None, database=None, catalog=None, signature=None, **kwargs)

Construct a non-vectorized scalar user-defined function that accepts Python scalar values as inputs.

python UDFs are not vectorized: they are executed row by row with one Python function call per row

This calling pattern tends to be much slower than pandas or pyarrow-based vectorized UDFs.


Name Type Description Default
fn The function to wrap. None
name The name of the UDF in the backend if different from the function name. None
database The database in which to create the UDF. None
catalog The catalog in which to create the UDF. None
signature If present, a tuple of the form ((arg0type, arg1type, ...), returntype). For example, a function taking an int and a float and returning a string would be ((int, float), str). If not present, the signature will be derived from the type annotations of the wrapped function. None
kwargs Additional backend-specific configuration arguments for the UDF. {}


>>> import ibis
>>> ibis.options.interactive = True
>>> t = ibis.memtable(dict(int_col=[1, 2, 3], str_col=["a", "b", "c"]))
>>> t
┃ int_col  str_col ┃
│ int64string  │
│       1a       │
│       2b       │
│       3c       │
>>> @ibis.udf.scalar.python
... def str_magic(x: str) -> str:
...     return f"{x}_magic"
>>> @ibis.udf.scalar.python
... def add_one_py(x: int) -> int:
...     return x + 1
>>> str_magic(t.str_col)
┃ str_magic_0(str_col) ┃
│ string               │
│ a_magic              │
│ b_magic              │
│ c_magic              │
>>> add_one_py(t.int_col)
┃ add_one_py_0(int_col) ┃
│ int64                 │
│                     2 │
│                     3 │
│                     4 │

See Also

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